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Greater Victoria

1. Name of Service

Victoria Early Psychosis Intervention Program

2. Address of Service

210-3960 Quadra Street

Victoria, V8X 4A3

Phone: 250-519-5256

Intake Nurse: 250-519-3856

Fax: 250-519-3424

Instagram: epi_victoria

3. Hours of Service:

Monday to Friday from 8:30am – 4:30pm

4. Who Can Receive Services?

Age range 13-35 years of age
Type of psychosis or disorders
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Mood Disorders (if there are psychotic features)
Catchment areas served Greater Victoria
Other criteria No significant period of treatment already received.
We try to work with people in their first 3 years of treatment.

5. Do I Need a Referral?

Anyone can refer including self-referral

6. Program Description:

Basic early psychosis services provided include:

  Complete assessment of symptoms and physical functioning
  Medication management
  Case manager
  Family support and education
  Client education
  Treatment of problems in living and other mental health issues

In addition to these basic early intervention services more comprehensive services may be offered including:

  Groups (In Partnership with Wellness Day Program)
  Public education regarding early identification and intervention
  Cognitive assessments and rehabilitation
  Vocational rehab programs
  Medication side effect monitoring, healthy living programs
  Alumni programs

Download the Victoria EPI Brochure

Victoria EPI Referral Form