Early Psychosis Peer Recovery Network

The Early Psychosis Peer Recovery Network of British Columbia is a group of youth and young adults who have come together to share our experience of psychosis, resilience, healthcare journey, and recovery. We want to hear from current and former EPI clients on what helps, what hinders, and what could be done differently to improve the provision of EPI services in the province of British Columbia.

For more information or to join, please contact earlypsychosispeersbc@gmail.com

The goals of the Early Psychosis Peer Recovery Network include:

  1. Informing and transforming the development and implementation of EPI peer support programs in British Columbia based on the expertise of persons recovering from psychosis.
  2. Engaging individuals with lived experience in research and evaluation concerning early psychosis and contributing to the academic literature on peer involvement in EPI programs.
  3. Encouraging and facilitating a discourse that de-stigmatizes the experience of psychosis.
  4. Developing an Early Psychosis Intervention Peer Support Program.

The Peer Recovery Network is comprised of the following committees to help us achieve our goals:

  1. Peer Support Committee
    1. A monthly peer support group to provide mutual aid to former and soon-to-graduate EPI and other early psychosis clients anywhere in British Columbia.
    2. Advocate for the training and employment of Peer Support Workers in mental health treatment settings for youth and young adults throughout British Columbia.
    3. Promote a sense of community among fellow current and former EPI clients.
  2. Research Committee
    1. Actively involve current and former EPI clients as equal members on the research team. Research participants are empowered to be active members of a larger community and help shape the services they use.
    2. Review current peer support networks in BC, nationally, internationally, to determine needs for youth and young adults, particularly regarding psychosis.
    3. Develop proposals and apply for grants related to EPI (e.g., training and education of peers; research regarding specific protective factors and mechanisms of resilience; exploring the nature of social relationships and community integration after EPI, etc.).
  3. Education & Advisory Committee
    1. Provide input into issues related to EPI in an advisory capacity (e.g., policies, practice guidelines, etc.).
    2. Develop resources for service providers (e.g., physicians, MH workers, persons in a position to refer for specialized assessment, the public, families, schools, government officials, RCMP etc.).
  4. Speaker’s Bureau
    1. Member's of the Early Psychosis Peer Recovery Network are available for public talks about their personal experiences with psychosis and recovery. To book a presentation, please email earlypsychosispeersbc@gmail.com

Get Involved!

Please check any of the committees you are interested in joining or learning more about.
Please complete this section if you would like to send a message to the network (e.g., to request more information) (optional).

Please note that this inbox is not regularly monitored and is not appropriate for those in distress or requiring immediate assistance.

Our Values:

  1. Inclusion – all persons and families are truly included in decision-making and planning.
  2. Resilience/strength-based – individuals with experience of psychosis possess numerous strengths that should be supported and developed to build resilience and live meaningful fulfilling lives (could either combine this with 7 Wellness) or put them one after another.
  3. Diversity – Respect for diversity includes taking actions to include, support and for services to employ diversity appropriate approaches and materials (e.g., anti-racism; LGBTQ2A+; dis/ability); a space for everyone! EPI services must take an anti-oppressive approach to treatment by acknowledging the oppressive history of mental health treatment and reducing the negative effects of stigma which continues today.
  4. Personal Wellness – Our own personal wellness, and the wellness of our loved ones are our top priorities.

The Early Psychosis Peer Recovery Network is affiliated with the Provincial Early Psychosis Advanced Practice Program (EPI APP).