Social relationships play an influential role in promoting recovery from psychosis and maintaining health and well-being. Unfortunately, individuals affected by psychosis can feel as though they are alone in their experience and may withdraw and become socially isolated.
Psychosis may affect certain skills. For example, people may have difficulty in understanding social situations, engaging in social behaviour and planning and carrying out everyday activities. These skills can be relearned (or learned) by using specific techniques and practising.
Because of these difficulties, socializing can become highly stressful and the person may become more isolated.

Meeting and talking with other people who have experienced psychosis can be very helpful. Peer groups for both clients and family members can be immensely supportive. Groups provide a safe environment to meet with others who have been through similar experiences. Groups offer education about psychosis through videos, presentations, written material and discussion. They are also a great way to learn and be positive about recovery. Many services in BC have Peer Support workers - ask if they do.
Another new resource is the Early Psychosis Peer Recovery Network (EPPRN), which offers several ways for those finishing up with EPI to support each other, educate others, engage in research and improve services. Check them out here: Early Psychosis Peer Recovery Network