1. Name of Service
Adult Community Support Service - Comox Valley Mental Health Substance Use Service
2. Address of Service
941c England Ave,
Courtenay, BC
Phone: 250-331-8524
Fax: 250-331-8525
3. Hours of Service:
Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm (closed statutory holidays)
After hours: Call Crisis line 1-888-494-3888
4. Who Can Receive Services?
Age range | 19 years of age and up |
Type of psychosis or disorders | Serious and persistent mental illness |
Catchment areas served | Fanny Bay to Oyster River |
Inclusion criteria | First episode psychosis |
Exclusion criteria | Individuals who do not have a serious and persistent mental illness as primary issue of concern |
5. Do I Need a Referral?
Anyone can refer, intake services includes self-referral.
6. Program Description:
Basic early psychosis services provided include:
Complete assessment of symptoms and physical functioning |
Medication management |
Case manager |
Family support and education |
Client education |
Treatment of problems in living and other mental health issues |
In addition to these basic early intervention services more comprehensive services may be offered including:
Groups (In Partnership with Psychiatric Day Hospital) |
Public education regarding early identification and intervention |
Cognitive assessments and rehabilitation |
Vocational rehab programs |
Medication side effect monitoring, healthy living programs |
Alumni programs |